Friday 8 April 2016

Massive Stress Head

Hi Guys, 

Jesus College is so much harder than I expected. 

As you may, or may not know, I take 3 A Levels which are Psychology, Photography and English Literature and alongside a Pre-Teaching course. The difference between secondary school and year 12/13 is massive, and you won't truly understand this until you are in the same scenario. This blog post is not beauty related, it is not fashion related, it is simply a rant as I need to let out some steam and believed this would be the best place to do so. 

Photography is a huge passion of mine, I love spending money on equipment, I love taking my camera out every where I go and taking photo's of everything and anything, I love hanging my photo's up on my wall. I generally just love photography. I have recently handed in two portfolios in and achieved an A and a B which I was over the moon with. I can express myself through my images and explain my reason behind them on the second page. I get to spend time looking at other photographer's work and getting inspiration from them. But there's a problem that I've only recently started to face, I've stopped being creative. I used to take my camera out and make an apple look creative and interesting, but now, I feel as if I'm forcing it and it doesn't seem to be working. So with my final topic in Year 12, I seem to be finding it really hard. It wouldn't be as bad if I didn't load as much pressure onto myself to need an A to get into Uni. I just don't know what to do at the minute. 

As for Psychology, I suck. 

English Literature is amazing, of course, I struggle with some aspects such as poetry and the layout of my essays, but reading just takes me away to another place. Makes me relax, smile, cry, all the possible emotions you can think of in one sitting. When we have a class discussion I have so many points I wish to raise and discuss, however, my confidence just doesn't let me put my head up. I stay there freaking out in case my teacher chooses me, in case she asks me to read aloud and this just plainly ruins this class for me. 

Pre-Teaching allowed me to determine my love for working with children because as part of my specification I needed to do 40 hours placement at a local primary school. I have finished my hours now but am staying on until the end of the year. I learnt that I do not want to go into teaching, but I do want to work with kids. It's allowed me to look further into jobs with children rather than jumping to a teacher.

Yes, I know I rant on about College but it's possibly one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I struggled in secondary school, never turly finding my true friends, however in Year 12 I have met so many people and lost all of the negative people in my life. Although I am extremely stressed, I know it will all pay off in the end and that I am so happy I decided to do to college. 

Thank you for reading my rant ;) 

Lots of love, 

Laura xxx 

Sunday 6 December 2015

Grades?!?!?! Good or Bad?

Heey guys!!

Firstly I just want to give my apologies for my disappearance... As you all know, I am in my first year of college and i'm not going to lie, it is very stressful. The jump between GCSE and A-Level is very dramatic and I just haven't had time to sit down and make a video or blog post (I will upload another post about my youtube). The workload basically got too much and I just spend every evening getting on top of it all, and now I finally am, I am going to try and level everything out - time will soon tell hey ;)

So about my grades!!! I was extremely happy with my grades, they aren't A's and A*'s, but for me, what I achieved I am very happy with and I know I worked and tried to the best of my abilities and that's all I could have done. So here are my GCSE grades:

Maths - C
English Literature - B
English Language - C
Italian - B
RE - B
BTEC Science - Merit (B)
Art - B
Food Tec - A
History - D (This really frustrated me because in one exam I got a C, in my course work I got a C and in the second exam I got a D which lowered my grade!!)

So there they are! My GCSE grades!! For all the students in year 10 - keep your head down, I know it sounds a long time (2 years) until your exams, but honestly time flies so quickly and before you know it you will be sat in the hall taking the papers. Just revise and try your best and I know you will do amazingly!!

And to the year 11's, GOOD LUCK!!! I know it's scary and I know that right now you are stressing the hell out, but keep going! Revise as much as you can because I guarantee you that it will be worth it! And just think, in a few months it will be all over and you can enjoy your summer holiday chilling out without worrying about the heavy workload like everyone else!! ;)

Good luck everyone, I know you will smash it xx

Love you lots,
Thank you for reading my blog,

Laura x

Monday 17 August 2015

18 Things I want to achieve before i'm 18?!?

Hey guys!!
How are we all? :) Omg in 3 days I am getting my GCSE grades, ugggh!! If they are good I will make sure to upload a post... if I don't you can have a guess why haha. Wow lots has happened since my last post, including I HAVE A JOB!!!

Anyway, on with the post... I have recently turned 16 and I've made a bucket list of things i want to achieve before I reach my crazy 18th birthday!! So here they are, some of them are crazy but oh well haha!!

1.     Learn how to drive
2.     Reach 500 subscribers
3.     Re-decorate my room
4.     Pass my A-Levels with B’s
5.     Have experience at a primary school
6.     Get a regional time at swimming
7.     Be confident
8.     Have a holiday romance
9.     Have a better fashion sense
10.  Pass my Life Guarding course
11.  Go to a festival
12.  Go camping with friends
14.  Learn how to apply eye liner
15.  Wax my eyebrows
16.  Ride a quad bike
17.  Go ice skating in Central Park

18.  Go paint balling

So, I have 2 years to make all of this happen... Well we'll see haha <3

Thank you for reading my blog :) 

Love you lots, 

Laura x